Friday, January 27, 2017

Actor Arrested at Anti-Trump Protest

Actor Shia LaBeouf got charged with misdeamor assault and a harassment violation after getting into an argument with someone at an anti-Trump protest. It occurred in New York in front of the Museum of the Moving Image. There was some verbal and physical interaction between him and a pro Trump person. This has an impact because Shia LaBeouf is a well known actor and brings awareness to the situation. Also, this could scare protesters because of the consequences they might face for stating their voice and sharing their opinion. This incident doesn't make Shia LaBeouf look good and makes him come off as a mad tempered violent person. But, this brings attention to the idea that celebrity's are protesting and letting their voices be heard as well. This event shouldn't scare protesters from protesting because they have the full right too. Protests and marches should be peaceful but get your message across of what you want. All Americans have the right to protest and I think they should if they are against the values or thoughts of our new president, Donald Trump.

PSA: Picture of Shia LaBeouf that I wanted to include was too big and Blogger wouldn't accept picture

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Teen Taken When Born By Raised Mother

Alexis Manigo was taken from the hospital when born by a women posed as a nurse who raised her. But, she was not her biological mother who gave birth to her. The women was charged with kid napping and Alexis was very upset because of there strong relationship. Years later she was finally reunited with her birth mother. This is scary to me because babies are being born everyday and there are mentally insane people out there who believe that because they spent time with it it's theirs. Hospitals have identification to match babies to their owner before picking them up. But, there should be more awareness and caution if someone or something out of the ordinary seems to appear. Because of this incident hospitals will be more aware and make sure babies are going to their proper owners using all of the appropriate identification methods needed.